Random stuff

Oh dear blog, please don't feel neglected. See, I've been busy, oh so busy - and I'm not making things up when I'm saying I've done A LOT of things since the last update.
First of all, I've been hanging out with my cousins. Very nice!
Secondly, I have celebrated my sis' birthday - even nicer!
I have also participated ( as an extra) in a new Sweidsh movie coming out soon called "Dom skulle vilja vara som oss". It was so much fun!
ALSO (like if that wasn't enough) SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENED TODAY. I went through my normal tour in the blogsphere when I suddenly realised my picture was on one of them. Egoinas to be corecct. Turns out, I won a competion and my story will be published in a famous magazine!! Random but awesome.
The prize? Hah, one years supply of tampons (HAHA) and 10 movie tickets (NICE.)
Crazy crazy world.
Talk to ya'll later!


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