Gröna Lund
Yesterday I hung out with my cousins who are staying in Stockholm for a few days (They live in a Swedish city a couple of hours away). We ate a lot of my mom's homecooked Lebanese food. And we all ate a bit too much like one always does when it's Lebanese food that is served.
After that we took the bus to the cinema and saw nothing else than the last Harry Potter movie. Since I already have read all the books I knew how it would end, but my god what a great movie!!
And now I'm off to the big tivoli Gröna Lund! Have a nice day I know I will! *
*Naah, not gonna be that cheesy
Spending money
I started this wonderful and sunny day with meeting up with Johanna for a picnic (or Juani as we like to call her.)
It was lovely! Melon, oranges, strawberries and some food from McDoanld's. YUMMY.
On my way home I decided to look through some stores since I've been out of the country for a couple of weeks.
Just got one thing to say:
OH how I love sales!
I bought a jacket, three tops, a pair of shorts, five bracelets, some makeup, a watch, a bikini top and bottom... I could go on forever. The best thing tho is that I only spent about 1000kr.
Bloody good* when you have a stict budget for every month, eh?
* Totally stole that expression from Spike in Buffy hehe
My friend just sent me this GIF.
Loving it. It's just a bunch of random pics we took before going out one night.
Anywhooo, I just got this sudden urge of doing something creative! So I took an old t-shirt of mine, started cutting it and now I'm heading downstairs to find some cool fabric to use. I'll show you guys the result when I'm finished!
Anywhooo, I just got this sudden urge of doing something creative! So I took an old t-shirt of mine, started cutting it and now I'm heading downstairs to find some cool fabric to use. I'll show you guys the result when I'm finished!
Home again
Oh how I miss Cannes right now. Came home a few hours ago just to find out that almost all my friends are abroad or at least not at home. HEH. Oh well, next week (if the weather is nice) my family and I are going to my cousins island, so I wont be home doing nothing.
Ah I want to write down everything about Cannes but I have no idea where to start...
Ah I want to write down everything about Cannes but I have no idea where to start...
Here are few pics at least
Crap, it's already 3:20 AM..
Good night, or perhaps good morning?
Good night, or perhaps good morning?